Whitburn Signs : photo by Malcolm Aslett


More or less the center of Whitburn in the north east of England. The pub sign and the school sign above a snow trodden pavement.

The pavement and the sky were what took up my time, The sky was originally quite broken up into tones and section but I wanted it smooth. For the pavement slabs I preferred them to be mostly continuous in some way - it is frustrating to see squares out of alignment. I you look at the slabs where is the point that draws the eye? For me it is the second from left and bottom where the corners make a dog leg rather than a cross. So one left in just to point it out. I did what I usually do and that is borrow squares from other sections and repeat and reshape them to get the order I wanted. The metal protection barriers were similarly corrected up to a tolerable point.

The roof across the road on the left was extended by me for some reason. I mentioned a long time ago Seurat's use of rising or falling lines to determine moods. It might only be me but this one sloping down to the road makes the stretch of buildings sadder. It might be because of the cold weather.




